

Welcome to the adiutaByte API. The goal of the API is to provide an interface for generating plans for various fleet optimization problems. This API description is intended to help setting up your own code to access the adiutaByte API. Currently there are two API endpoints implemented. The first one is for submitting a problem description, for which an optimized plan is then calculated. The second endpoint is for retrieving this finalized plan.

The API uses token-based authentication to protect these endpoints, users are generated on demand. Feel free to contact us for such a personalized access.

Currently the API solely supports JSON formatted data with a schema that is used to validate the data. Non-valid requests are immediately rejected with an error message. In each section a downloadable corresponding JSON schema in the latest version is linked.


Examples in this documentation will use all listed fields regardless of their introduced version, so please check availability before using them.


Certain values on input objects can restrict the general set of available solutions. These include time windows on tasks, workers or shifts, preferences of all kinds, categories, qualifications and many more. Due to the nature of optimization, not all of them can be kept nor is that even intended, as violating a constraint can often lead to vast improvements regarding another metric. Nevertheless there are some constraints the algorithm will keep at all costs, as they are deemed too important to be disregarded.

To differentiate the types of constraints, there will be an occasional Depends on column added to the parameter listing. It can contain a number of different text markers:

Contact us

If you notice issues or an error with the documentation, if you have questions regarding the API or its documentation or if you're having another related issue, please contact us.

Checking your requests for validity

To check your request json for validity you can download validation scripts here:

production v1.7.0 Validator Scripts
develop v1.7.0 Validator Scripts
experimental v1.7.0 Validator Scripts

Post a new plan


This endpoint is used to post a new problem description for obtaining an optimized plan based on it.




  "meta": {
    "dateFrom": "2019-12-03",
    "dateTo": "2019-12-03"
  "parameters": {
    "preset": 1
  "tasks": [
      "date": "2019-12-03",
      "duration": 65,
      "taskID": 200,
      "timeEarliest": "10:00",
      "timeLatest": "12:00"
      "date": "2019-12-03",
      "duration": 25,
      "taskID": 201,
      "timeEarliest": "16:00",
      "timeLatest": "17:00"
  "workers": [
      "workerID": 1,
      "shiftDate": "2019-12-03",
      "shiftEnd": "14:00",
      "shiftStart": "06:00"
      "workerID": 1,
      "shiftDate": "2019-12-03",
      "shiftEnd": "20:00",
      "shiftStart": "15:00"
      "workerID": 2,
      "shiftDate": "2019-12-03",
      "shiftEnd": "14:00",
      "shiftStart": "06:00"
  "locationSites": [
      "locationSiteID": 1,
      "location": {
        "lat": 50.878847,
        "lng": 6.964728400000013
  "client": {
    "clientID": "{1234-5678-9123}"
  "history": {
    "tasks": [
        "taskID": 0,
        "clientID": 100,
        "scheduling": [
            "date": "2000-01-01"
    "workers": [
        "workerID": 0,
        "gender": 1,
        "qualification": 1,
        "categories": [ 1,2 ]
  "travelOverride": {
    "sparse": [
        "vehicleTypes": [0,2],
        "sourceIDs": [12,13,1,12],
        "targetIDs": [14,11,12,1],
        "travelTime": [3,4,1,1],
        "travelDistance": [2.83,1.5,2.01,3.12]
        "vehicleTypes": [1],
        "sourceIDs": [12,13,1,12],
        "targetIDs": [14,11,12,1],
        "travelTime": [3,4,1,1],
        "travelDistance": [2.83,1.5,2.01,3.12]
    "dense": [
        "travelTime": [0,2,3,4,0,2,12,5,0],
        "travelDistance": [0,1.123,2.123,3.456,0,4.5,2.123,10.11,4.9,0],
        "vehicleTypes": [0,3]
        "travelTime": [0,2,3,4,0,2,12,5,0],
        "travelDistance": [0,1.123,2.123,3.456,0,4.5,2.123,10.11,4.9,0],
        "vehicleTypes": [2]
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Required Type Description
client client Contains information about the client which sends this request.
meta meta Meta information about what to consider in the optimization.
parameters parameters Parameters for the optimizer.
tasks Array<Input Task> Array of Tasks to be planned by the optimizer.
workers Array<Input Worker> Array of available Workers.
locationSites Array<LocationSite> Array of available location sites.
obstacles Array<Obstacle> DEPRECATED
history History History data.
travelOverride Travel Override Travel override data.


Example of an ID


Posting a plan returns an ID to monitor the planning process and retrieve the solution.


Number Code Description
200 OK The plan was accepted but has been submitted at least once before and is either finished or still in calculation.
201 CREATED The plan was accepted and is going to be processed by the optimization procedures.
403 FORBIDDEN Your account is setup to use different clients. The clientID was not given or the clientID was not registered yet.
409 CONFLICT The limit for the user or client has been exceeded.
422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY The plan generated by the backend does not match the JSON-schema. Please check the API documentation carefully or contact us to correct this failure.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Backend failure, please contact us.

Client Information


  "clientID": "{1234-5678-9123}"
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Type Required Description
clientID string Identifies a specific client.


Meta Information


  "dateFrom": "2019-12-03",
  "dateTo": "2019-12-03"
  "dateFrom": "2019-12-03",
  "dateTo": "2019-12-03",
  "resCapacity": true,
  "resCategory": true,
  "resQualification": true,
  "postProcessing": true,
  "accuracyMode": 1.0,
  "outputLanguage": 1,
  "tightSchedule": true,
  "minTravelTime": 5,
  "integrateGermanBreakRegulations": true,
  "enablePlanSplitting": false,
  "allowUnassignedTasks": true,
  "useInitialClustering": true,
  "dontOptimizeResets": true,
  "minConcurrentSolutions": 1,
  "minTaskDuration": 10,
  "useDensityClustering": false
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Type Required Description
dateFrom string (date) Planning horizon start, usually the earliest date on any of the tasks.
dateTo string (date) Planning horizon end, usually the latest date on any of the tasks.
resCapacity boolean Activate/Deactivate whether capacities should be considered in the optimization. (Default: false)
resCategory boolean Activate/Deactivate whether category types should be considered in the optimization. (Default: false)
resQualification boolean Activate/Deactivate whether qualifications should be considered in the optimization. (Default: false)
postProcessing boolean Enables dynamic traffic for calculating travel times (e.g. rush hour). Recommended for use cases where such dynamic travel times actually make a difference, otherwise leave it at false or carefully evaluate outcomes. (Default: false)
accuracyMode number Manages a solution refinement process. An accuracy > 0.0 can improve the solution significantly but will take longer to calculate, effects increase with higher accuracyMode. (Default: 1.0)
outputLanguage integer (LanguageType) Defines which language should be used in the output. (Default: German)
tightSchedule boolean (Default: false) If set to true, any buffer between tasks (time spent neither working, driving, nor on break) is avoided if possible. Tasks with a timePriority less than 3 can be moved to earlier than their time window if necessary.
tourStartsOnShiftStart v3.6.0 boolean (Default: false) Per default, the worker tour starts not at their shiftStart but the first task carried out by the worker. This can have unintended effects for tightSchedule or costsPerMinute (work time cost application). A solution in which the worker's first task is not at their shiftStart is a hint by the optimizer to have the worker start their day later - this can be used for various applications. However, if the use case demands that a worker start at their given shiftStart, this flag can be set to true so that the algorithm always considers shiftStart as tour start, regardless of the first task.
minTravelTime v3.15.0 integer A global lower limit to travel time, travel times below this will be raised. (Default: 0)
integrateDurationExtensions boolean DEPRECATED
integrateGermanBreakRegulations boolean Adds mandatory breaks to workers according to the German Working Time Act if set. See Known Bugs for an introduction how this is mathematically impossible to actually solve, there are data sets where finding a solution is impossible. In any case, this options places the algorithm under significant amounts of additional load and should only be used if the results are important. Using manual breaks (see Input Worker) is recommended whenever possible. (Default: false)
enablePlanSplitting boolean (Default: true) Enables splitting the plan into disjunct plan parts. This can reduce runtime or improve pre-optimization data adjustment if the sent data can be split into smaller, self-contained sub-parts.
allowUnassignedTasks boolean (Default: false) This option enables an unassignment behavior in the algorithm, meaning it will, if deemed necessary, refuse to assign subsets of tasks to any worker. Examples are scenarios where the only qualified workers are overloaded or there are no workers that can even carry out a task. In the output data this can be recognized by the task missing its assignment data, such as timeScheduled or travelTime. The differences to an assigned task are noted in the description for the Output Task. Additionally, the info section will notify of unassignment and, if possible, the reason for it.
useInitialClustering boolean Use only clustering as a first optimization step instead of the default algorithms. Developer feature, use at your own risk! (Default: false)
dontOptimizeResets boolean (Default: false) Per default, travel from and to capacity reset locations is part of the optimization, after a reset the worker will often continue their tour closer to the reset location. Other tours might lead to or from reset locations to minimize travel from the task before reset to the reset location and vice versa from the reset location to the next task. While this behavior is no doubt beneficial for reducing travel time/ distance, it can lead to unwanted results in use cases where a high amount of clustering is intended, since from a pure time/distance point of view, it makes little sense to have a worker return to their cluster after a reset. For these cases the option dontOptimizeResets can be set to true so that travel to and from reset locations does not get considered in the optimization anymore. Of course, the travel will still get factored into scheduled times etc, but the algorithm will no longer consider these travels as part of the optimization.
minConcurrentSolutions v3.2.0 integer Number of concurrently calculated solutions. Developer feature, use at your own risk! (Default: 1)
minTaskDuration v3.12.0 integer Minimum value for an Input Task's duration. Task durations with a lower value are being overwritten before the optimization; breaks, travel or capacity resets are not influenced in any way. Profit calculations (e.g. costsPerMinute) use adjusted values. (Default: 0)
useDensityClustering v3.19.0 boolean (Default: false) This option useses a location based density-clustering in order to restrict the possible solution space. In practice you can save yourself runtime and possibly have minor improvements of your solution quality. Be aware that this will only help if your plan is not greatly restricted by time windows or major dependencies between tasks.


Optimization Parameters


  "preset": 1
  "preset": 1,
  "fairDistribution": 4,
  "localityClustering": 2,
  "shortPaths": 7,
  "timeliness": 5,
  "workerPrefs": 5,
  "workerReduction": 1,
  "genderPref": 2,
  "profitability": 3
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

All parameters (except preset) are integer numbers $ 0 \leq x \leq 9 $. You only need to pass the ones you want to use, all others will be implicitly set to 0.

Parameter Type Required Description
preset integer Sets the parameters to a predefined preset (details below). Additionally specified parameters will override the preset parameters.
fairDistribution integer Distribute the tasks fairly among the workers.
localityClustering integer Build local clusters for the workers to work within if possible.
shortPaths integer Optimize the plan towards short travel paths.
timeliness integer Optimize towards satisfying time windows.
travelTimeRelax integer DEPRECATED
workerPrefs integer Try to satisfy any tasks' worker preferences.
workerReduction integer Reduce the number of necessary workers.
workTimeRelax integer DEPRECATED
genderPref integer Try to satisfy any tasks' gender preferences. Setting this parameter to 9 will change the algorithm to consider prefGender a restriction rather than merely a preference.
profitability integer Optimize towards high profitability. Requires costs set on workers.

The following presets are currently available (parameters not listed are set to 0):

ID Name Parameter settings
0 Eco orientied
  • shortPaths: 9
  • timeliness: 5
  • genderPref: 4
  • profitability: 9
1 Worker oriented
  • fairDistribution: 9
  • shortPaths: 5
  • timeliness: 4
  • workerPref: 4
  • genderPref: 4
  • profitability: 4
2 Customer oriented
  • shortPaths: 2
  • timeliness: 9
  • workerPref: 7
  • genderPref: 9
  • profitability: 2
3 Fleet oriented
  • shortPaths: 5
  • timeliness: 2
  • workerReduction: 9
  • profitability: 2
4 Random The values shortPaths, timeliness are set to a random value 1 to 9. The values fairDistribution, workerPrefs, workerReduction, genderPref, profitability are set to a random value 0 to 9.

Input Task


  "taskID": 200,
  "date": "2019-12-03",
  "duration": 65,
  "timeEarliest": "10:00",
  "timeLatest": "12:00"
  "taskID": 200,
  "externalID": "id123",
  "clientID": 1,
  "baseScheduleTime": "10:00",
  "date": "2019-12-03",
  "duration": 65,
  "timeEarliest": "10:00",
  "timeLatest": "12:00",
  "forbTimeEarliest": "10:00",
  "forbTimeLatest": "12:00",
  "timePriority": 2,
  "location": {
    "lat": 50.878847,
    "lng": 6.9647284
  "locationSiteID": 1,
  "finishLocation": {
    "lat": 50.878847,
    "lng": 6.9647284
  "finishLocationSiteID": 1,
  "rotatable": true,
  "prefWorkers": [1,2],
  "antiWorkers": [3,4],
  "forbWorkers": [3,4],
  "capacity": 40,
  "weight": 40,
  "volume": 40,
  "qualification": 3,
  "categories": [1],
  "antiCategories": [2],
  "exchangeableCategories": [4,5,6],
  "twinCategories": [3],
  "preassignedWorker": 2,
  "preassignedOrder": -1,
  "desiredWorker": 1,
  "initassignedWorker": 1,
  "initassignedOrder": 1,
  "initassignedShiftID": 1,
  "prefGender": 1,
  "precedingTasks": [1, 2],
  "predecessorTasks": [3],
  "revenue": 1.25,
  "travelTimeExtra": 2,
  "group": 2,
  "assignmentPriority": 2,
  "ignoreHistory": true
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

The input task is the incoming task description for the optimizer outlining the restrictions for the optimization.

Parameter Required Type Description Depends on
taskID integer The ID of this task. Task IDs need to be unique for all tasks in the input data
externalID string A string to identify the task in the solution. Cannot be used for reference in the input data or the optimizer, it serves as a helping tool for integrations.
clientID integer A unique id to identify a client to whom different tasks can be attributed. Only tasks with clientID are considered in History evaluation.
baseScheduleTime Time A time for identifying History-Assignments. Assignments with identical clientID and similar baseScheduleTime are associated with each other. If no baseScheduleTime is set, timeEarliest gest used instead. If no history is used, this field can be ignored.
date string (date) The date for the day to be planned. timeliness
duration integer The time in minutes it takes to complete this task. strict
timeEarliest Time The earliest possible starting time of this task. timeliness
timeLatest Time The latest time at which this task should be finished. timeliness
forbTimeEarliest Time The start of the forbidden time window. Tasks will not be carried out in the forbidden time window and will be scheduled either completely before or after it. strict
forbTimeLatest Time The end of the forbidden time window. Tasks will not be carried out in the forbidden time window and will be scheduled either completely before or after it. strict
timePriority integer The priority of the time window ranging from 0-5. (Default: 1)
  • 0 - irrelevant
  • 1 - not important (automatically extended by 30 minutes)
  • 2 - more important (automatically extended by 15 minutes)
  • 3 - important (no extension)
  • 4 - very important (no extension)
  • 5 - fixed time (no extension)
Tasks with high time priority are more likely to get scheduled inside their given time window. Tasks with time priority 0 completely ignore their given time window.
strict on value 5
location GeoCoord The geo coordinates where the task has to be performed. Not defining a location will allow the task to be performed anywhere.
locationSiteID integer The ID of the LocationSite that will be used as location.
finishLocation v3.9.0 GeoCoord The geo coordinates where the task will end. Moving between location and finishLocation occurs during the duration and does not count as travel (meaning the algorithm is not responsible for ensuring that it is actually possible to move between location and finishLocation in the time given). If not set, the task will finish where it started.
finishLocationSiteID v3.9.0 integer The ID of the LocationSite that will be used as finishLocation.
rotatable v3.9.0 bool If set to true, the algorithm can swap location and finishLocation (or corresponding LocationSite id) depending on what creates a better solution, similar to "rotating" the task in place.
description string DEPRECATED
prefWorkers Array<integer> The IDs of preferred workers. workerPrefs
antiWorkers Array<integer> The IDs of workers to which an assignment is undesirable but not forbidden. workerPrefs
forbWorkers Array<integer> The IDs of forbidden workers. strict
capacity number The capacity requirement of this task, which the assigned worker will need to provide. strict
weight number The weight requirement of this task, which the assigned worker will need to provide. strict
volume number The volume requirement of this task, which the assigned worker will need to provide. strict
qualification integer The minimum qualification of the employee required to perform the task (e.g. years of experience). The algorithm tries to avoid high discrepancies between worker and task qualification. strict
categories Array<integer> A suitable worker has to fulfill all of these categories. strict
antiCategories Array<integer> Categories of other tasks which exclude joint performance with this task. strict
exchangeableCategories Array<integer> A suitable worker has to fulfill at least one of these categories. strict
twinCategories Array<integer> The assigned worker will need to perform at least two tasks with each of these categories. strict
preassignedWorker integer The ID of the worker who has to take over this task. v3.6.1 This overrules any other strict restriction, for example, if the worker does not fulfil the qualification requirement, the task will still get assigned to them. strict
preassignedOrder v3.13.0 integer Tasks with a value > 0 will be assigned to the start of the tour of the preassignedWorker, tasks with a value < 0 to the end. If multiple tasks preassigned to a worker have a preassignedOrder, the tasks will be sorted so that the preassignedOrder is increasing (tasks at the front of the tour and tasks at the end of the tour separately). An example can be found below. strict
desiredWorker integer The ID of the worker who is desired (strong preference, not influenced by workerPrefs) to take over this task.
initassignedWorker integer The ID of the worker who will be initially assigned. This creates a higher likelihood of the task being assigned to this worker in the solution, especially if the initial assignment stems from a previous solution.
initassignedOrder integer The order within the initially assigned worker's tour. Requires an initassignedWorker or a preassignedWorker.
initassignedShiftID integer A shiftID to compliment either initassignedWorker or preassignedWorker in case the workerID is not unique.
prefGender GenderType The assigned worker needs to have this gender. strict
precedingTasks Array<integer> Tasks in this list and this task will be performed by the same worker and all listed tasks will have to be finished before this task starts. strict
predecessorTasks Array<integer> The tasks of which one has to be performed right before this task by the same worker as this task. strict
revenue number The revenue which will be achieved with this task.
travelTimeExtra integer Fixed amount of time added to this task's travel time. strict
group integer A group ID. Tasks with the same group ID get assigned to the same worker. strict
assignmentPriority integer A priority for assignment (see allowUnassignedTasks) ranging 0-5.
  • 0 - no preference regarding unassignment, whether or not the task is assigned does not matter and will depend solely on other factors
  • 1-4 - progressively higher assignment importance
  • 5 - task must be assigned
strict on value 5
ignoreHistory v3.14.0 boolean (Default: false) If true, this task gets ignored in all history analysis.



Input Worker


  "workerID": 1,
  "shiftStart": "06:00",
  "shiftEnd": "14:00",
  "shiftDate": "2019-12-03"
  "workerID": 1,
  "shiftID": 10,
  "externalID": "id123",
    "lat": 50.878847,
    "lng": 6.964728400000013
  "startLocationSiteID": 4,
    "lat": 50.878847,
    "lng": 6.964728400000013
  "endLocationSiteID": 5,
  "shiftDate": "2019-12-03",
  "shiftStart": "06:00",
  "shiftEnd": "14:00",
  "shiftPriority": 2,
  "capacity": 20.5,
  "capacityInitial": 10.1,
  "capacityResetLocationSiteIDs": [1,2],
  "capacityResetDuration": 10,
  "maxResets": 2,
  "volume": 12.5,
  "volumeInitial": 5.5,
  "weight": 2.5,
  "weightInitial": 1.0,
  "finalCapacityResetThreshold": 12.1,
  "finalVolumeResetThreshold": 5.5,
  "finalWeightResetThreshold": 1.5,
  "qualification": 1,
  "categories": [4,5],
  "desiredCategory": 1,
  "prefCategories": [6],
  "breakStartEarliest": "12:21",
  "breakEndLatest": "13:00",
  "breakDuration": 10,
  "vehicleType": 1,
  "gender": 1,
  "costsPerKM": 0.05,
  "costsPerMinute": 1.23,
  "costsInitial": 234.56,
  "maxDesiredTotalDistance": 100.0,
  "maxDesiredSingleDistance": 5.0,
  "dontAlter": true,
  "dontVary": true
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

The worker has both optional and required parameters as marked in the following table.

Parameter Required Type Description Depends on
workerID integer The ID of the worker. Multiple workers with identical ID are allowed, those represent multiple "shifts" of the same person.
shiftID integer A second ID in case there are multiple workers with the same workerID. This one needs to be unique among all workers with the same workerID that this worker has. It can be referenced whenever a unique reference to this worker object is required.
externalID string A string to identify the worker in the solution. Cannot be used for reference in the input data or the optimizer, it serves as a helping tool for integrations.
startLocation GeoCoord The location where the worker begins their working day. Leaving it empty means the worker starts on the location of their first task, this can be used in situations where workers start their day at home and any travel time to their first client does not count as working time. strict
startLocationSiteID integer The ID of the LocationSite that will be used as startLocation. strict
endLocation GeoCoord The location where the worker finishes their working day. Leaving it empty means the worker will end their tour at their last task, this can be used in situations where travel time home does not count as working time. strict
endLocationSiteID integer The ID of the LocationSite that will be used as endLocation. strict
shiftDate string (date) The date of this shift.
shiftStart Time The time this shift starts.
shiftEnd Time The time this shift ends.
shiftPriority integer The priority to keep the defined shift start and end times ranging from 0-3: irrelevant, neutral, important, very important. The default value is 1.
hoursPerWeek integer DEPRECATED
capacity number The available capacity (positive value) of the worker or their vehicle. strict
capacityInitial number The initially occupied capacity (positive value) on shift start of this worker or their vehicle.
capacityResetLocationSiteIDs Array<integer> If during the tour the worker capacity gets filled up and these reset LocationSite ids are set, the worker will travel to the best available LocationSite in the given list and unload all their stored capacity, weight and volume before traveling to the next task. strict
capacityResetDuration integer The time in minutes needed for a capacity reset (Default: 0). strict
maxResets integer The maximum number of allowed capacity resets on this worker. strict
volume number The available volume (positive value) of the worker or their vehicle. strict
volumeInitial number The initially loaded volume (positive value) on shift start of this worker or their vehicle.
weight number The weight (positive value) the worker or their vehicle is able to handle. strict
weightInitial number The initially loaded weight (positive value) on shift start of this worker or their vehicle.
finalCapacityResetThreshold number If at the end of the worker's tour the current capacity exceeds this threshold, a final reset is automatically added.
finalVolumeResetThreshold number If at the end of the worker's tour the current weight exceeds this threshold, a final reset is automatically added.
finalWeightResetThreshold number If at the end of the worker's tour the current volume exceeds this threshold, a final reset is automatically added.
qualification integer The qualification of the worker. Workers can perform any task with equal or lower qualification requirement, the optimizer tried to not "overqualify" workers for tasks by keeping worker and task qualification close. strict
categories Array<integer> The categories the workers can take over. strict
desiredCategory integer The worker has a strong preference towards tasks with this category. Categories specified in desiredCategory and prefCategories are automatically considered valid as if they're listed in categories.
prefCategories Array<integer> Tasks with any of these categories will be preferred by this worker. Categories specified in desiredCategory and prefCategories are automatically considered valid as if they're listed in categories. workerPrefs
breakStartEarliest Time The earliest start of the break a worker has to do. strict, unless tightSchedule is set to true
breakEndLatest Time The latest end of the break a worker has to do.
breakDuration integer The duration in minutes of the break. strict
vehicleType VehicleType The vehicle type used by this worker.
gender GenderType The gender type of the worker.
costsPerKM number The costs per km for this worker (e.g. fuel costs). profitability
costsPerMinute number The costs per minute working time (carrying out tasks) for this worker (e.g. monthly salary converted to minutes). profitability
costsInitial number Costs that occur if there is at least one task assigned to the worker. profitability
maxDesiredTotalDistance number The maximum total travel distance per shift that a worker wants to perform.
maxDesiredSingleDistance number The maximum travel distance for each individual travel that a worker wants to perform.
dontVary boolean A worker with dontVary set to true is "fixed" for the optimizer, meaning they get assigned all tasks (and only those tasks) that have this worker set as preassignedWorker or initassignedWorker in the order of initassignedOrder. That also means that initassignedOrder is required for these tasks, as well as shiftID on the worker and initassignedShiftID on the task if the workerID is not unique. Travel times, resets, etc still get calculated on both worker and task and the worker and its tasks will be considered in Statistics and Info. strict
dontAlter boolean Workers with dontAlter set to true behave similarly to workers with dontVary. The only difference is that a dontVary-worker cannot get assigned more tasks than specified in the input data, a dontAlter-worker will be assigned all tasks that have this worker as initassignedWorker or preassignedWorker, but can also have other tasks assigned. While the preassigned/initassigned tasks will be in order of initassignedOrder, other tasks can be inserted before, between or after those tasks; if there is no initassignedOrder set, the task will be ignored. Every other behavior and requirement is exactly as in dontVary. strict


Location Site


  "locationSiteID": 200,
  "location": {
    "lat": 50.878847,
    "lng": 6.964728400000013
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

A location site is a GeoCoord which can be referenced by an id in various places:

Parameter Type Required Description
locationSiteID integer The ID of the location site. IDs need to be unique among all locationSite entries.
location GeoCoord The geo coordinates of the location site.





  "tasks": [
      "taskID": 0,
      "clientID": 100,
      "scheduling": [
          "date": "2000-01-01"
  "workers": [
      "workerID": 0
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Required Type Description
tasks Array<History-Task> All tasks that are connected to Tasks in the optimization either by taskID or clientID.
workers Array<History-Workers> Workers that are not included in the optimization but are referenced in History-Tasks, e.g. as assignedWorker.



  "taskID": 0,
  "clientID": 100,
  "scheduling": [
      "date": "2000-01-01"
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Required Type Description
taskID integer Task ID for referencing task in planning tasks.
clientID integer Client ID for referencing tasks in planning tasks.
scheduling Array<History-Assignment> All considered historical assignments of this task.



  "date": "2000-01-01"
  "date": "2000-01-01",
  "baseScheduleTime": "00:00",
  "baseWorker": 1,
  "timeScheduled": "00:00",
  "assignedWorker": 0,
  "timeVariance": 0,
  "timePriority": 0,
  "timeScheduledAutomatically": "00:00",
  "assignedWorkerAutomatically": 0,
  "actualStartTime": "00:00",
  "actualWorker": 0,
  "prevTask": 0,
  "prevActualTask": 0,
  "prevTaskAutomatically": 0
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Required Type Description
date string (Date) Date this assignment was on.
baseScheduleTime Time A baseline orientation when the corresponding task was supposed to be scheduled.
baseWorker integer A baseline orientation for the worker to be assigned.
timeScheduled Time The time the corresponding task was scheduled (meaning the time the final plan had this task scheduled on, not to be confused with actualStartTime)
assignedWorker integer The worker the corresponding task was assigned to in the final planned version.
timeVariance integer The time variance the corresponding task was scheduled with at the time.
timePriority integer The timePriority the corresponding task was scheduled with at the time.
timeScheduledAutomatically Time The time the corresponding task was scheduled on by the optimizer at the time.
assignedWorkerAutomatically integer The worker the corresponding task was assigned to by the optimizer at the time.
actualStartTime Time The time the task was actually started, for instance as determined by mobile tracking.
actualWorker integer The worker the task was actually carried out by, for instance as determined by mobile tracking.
prevTask integer The task that was assigned directly before this task at the time. (If that task is present in either history or planning tasks)
prevActualTask v3.20.0 integer The task that was carried out directly before this task at the time. (If that task is present in either history or planning tasks)
prevTask v3.20.0 integer The task that was assigned directly before this task by the optimizer at the time. (If that task is present in either history or planning tasks)



  "workerID": 0
  "workerID": 0,
  "gender": 1,
  "qualification": 1,
  "categories": [ 1,2 ]
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Required Type Description
workerID integer ID of a worker that is not present in the input data. Has to be unique among all History-Workers.
gender GenderType See Worker.
qualification integer See Worker.
categories Array<integer> See Worker.

Travel Override

  "sparse": [
      "vehicleTypes": [0,2],
      "sourceIDs": [12,13,1,12],
      "targetIDs": [14,11,12,1],
      "travelTime": [3.1,0.4,1.0,1],
      "travelDistance": [2.83,1.5,2.01,3.12]
      "vehicleTypes": [1],
      "sourceIDs": [12,13,1,12],
      "targetIDs": [14,11,12,1],
      "travelTime": [0.3,4.1,1.0,1],
      "travelDistance": [2.83,1.5,2.01,3.12]
  "dense": [
      "travelTime": [0,0.2,3.1,4,0,2.1,12.01,5,0],
      "travelDistance": [0,1.123,2.123,3.456,0,4.5,2.123,10.11,4.9,0],
      "vehicleTypes": [0,3]
      "travelTime": [0,2.1,3.0,4,0,2.01,0.12,5,0],
      "travelDistance": [0,1.123,2.123,3.456,0,4.5,2.123,10.11,4.9,0],
      "vehicleTypes": [2]
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

Travel Override lets the user set custom values for travel between LocationSites. This can be useful if the values calculated by the optimizer are unsatisfactory or the use case is a non-street based optimziation (e.g. warehoue optimzation). The base schema consists of a single dense and/or a single sparse array, but at least one element:

Parameter Required Type Description
dense Array Dense travel override data.
sparse Array Sparse travel override data.
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Required Type Description
vehicleTypes Array<VehicleType> All vehicle types this override is relevant for.
travelTime Array<double> A row-concatenated matrix where $m(i,j) = travelTime($LocationSiteID i to LocationSiteID j$)$.
travelDistance Array<number> A row-concatenated matrix where $m(i,j) = travelDistance($LocationSiteID i to LocationSiteID j$)$.

Example: The travelTime array [0,2,3,4,0,2,12,5,0] translates to the following 3x3 matrix:

0 2 3
4 0 2
12 5 0
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Required Type Description
vehicleTypes Array<VehicleType> All vehicle types this override is relevant for.
sourceIDs Array<integer> Start LocationSiteID.
targetIDs Array<integer> End LocationSiteID.
travelTime Array<double> Travel time for the travel between source and target at the respective position in the array.
travelDistance Array<number> Travel distance for the travel between source and target at the respective position in the array.


Check status/retrieve a Plan


This endpoint is used to get the status of a plan or retrieve the plan once the calculation has been finished.



In the header of the request the field Accept must be set to application/json. The <ID> which was delivered as a result of the post request needs to be given in the URL.


Number Code Description
200 OK The plan will be delivered.
404 NOT FOUND The requested ID does not exist.
406 NOT ACCEPTABLE The given Accept parameter in the header could not be used.
422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY The plan generated by the backend does not match the JSON-schema. Please contact us to correct this failure.
423 LOCKED The plan is currently optimized. Try again later to check if the calculation has finished.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR An error occurred in the backend. Please contact us to check why this has happened.



  "requestID": "id2103",
  "meta": {
    "dateFrom": "2019-12-03",
    "dateTo": "2019-12-03"
  "parameters": {
    "preset": 1
  "locationSites": [
      "locationSiteID": 3,
      "location": {
        "lat": 50.3232323,
        "lng": 7.23122212
  "workers": [
      "workerID": 1,
      "shiftStart": "06:00",
      "shiftEnd": "14:00",
      "info": "text",
      "shiftDate": "2019-12-03"
      "workerID": 2,
      "shiftStart": "05:00",
      "shiftEnd": "16:00",
      "shiftDate": "2019-12-03",
      "info": "text",
  "tasks": [
      "taskID": 200,
      "date": "2019-12-03",
      "duration": 65,
      "timeEarliest": "10:00",
      "timeLatest": "12:00",
      "timeScheduled": "11:01",
      "travelTime": 3,
      "travelDistance": 2.83061,
      "assignedWorker": 2,
      "info": "This task assignment causes negative arrival slack: -6"
      "taskID": 200,
      "date": "2019-12-03",
      "duration": 65,
      "timeEarliest": "10:00",
      "timeLatest": "12:00",
      "info": "This task was unassigned"
  "info": {
    "text": "Alle Aufgaben wurden valide den Mitarbeitern zugewiesen!",
    "balance": "4 Mitarbeiter sind eingeplant\n6,2 Aufgaben durchschnittlich (pro Mitarbeiter)\n1,2 Aufgaben Abweichung von der durchschnittlichen Aufgabenzahl (pro Mitarbeiter)\nAufgaben- und Reisezeiten in Summe: 886 Minuten\nSchichtzeiten in Summe: 1860 Minuten\nAuslastung (netto): 47,6%",
    "dist": "146,8 km auf der Straße",
    "pref": "12 Aufträge werden von einem gewünschten Mitarbeiter durchgeführt, bei 7 Aufträgen war dies leider nicht sinnvoll oder möglich",
    "relax": "Aufträge:\n\nPrognostizierte kurze Verspätungen [5-30 Minuten] (4%):\n200, \n\nPrognostizierte Verspätungen [über 30 Minuten] (0%):\n\n\nDie anderen 24 Aufgaben (96%) werden pünktlich erreicht!\n\nSchichten:\nAlle Mitarbeiterschichten können eingehalten werden.",
    "time": "170 Minuten auf der Straße\n42,5 Minuten auf der Straße durchschnittlich (pro Mitarbeiter)\n9,0 Minuten Reisezeitvarianz (pro Mitarbeiter)",
    "feasible": false,
    "constructionSites": [
        "constructionSiteID": 666,
        "startDate": "2020-07-23",
        "endDate": "2020-07-25",
        "startPoint": {
          "lat": 48.17083,
          "lng": 11.3292
        "endPoint": {
          "lat": 48.16774,
          "lng": 11.33253
        "info": "Waldstraße gesperrt 2020"
  "statistics": {
    "configuration": [
        "label": "Short Path",
        "value": 0.777778
    "workload": [
        "workerID": 1,
        "values": [
    "travelTimes": [
        "workerID": 1,
        "time": 51
    "travelDistances": [
        "workerID": 1,
        "distance": 32.1
    "taskTimes": [
        "workerID": 1,
        "time": 145
    "taskBusyness": [
        "workerID": 1,
        "busyness": 0.3
    "travelBusyness": [
        "workerID": 1,
        "busyness": 0.4
    "workTimeDistribution": [
        "type": "Working Time",
        "time": 716
    "preferredWorkers": [
        "type": "matched",
        "count": 12
        "type": "unmatched",
        "count": 7
    "preferredGender": [
        "type": "matched",
        "count": 3
        "type": "unmatched",
        "count": 4
    "desiredWorkers": [
        "type": "matched",
        "count": 9
        "type": "unmatched",
        "count": 13
    "vehicleTypeDistances": [
        "vehicleType": 0,
        "distance": 9.123
        "vehicleType": 3,
        "distance": 4.2
    "impact": [
        "label": "Anticategories",
        "value": 0.123
    "unassignedTaskIDs": [1,2,3],
    "unassignableTaskIDs": [1,2,3],
    "routeLength": 146.841095,
    "onTime": 96,
    "planProfitability": 150.12
  "backendVersion": {
    "schema": "v0.49.9",
    "version": "v2.25.12",
    "rev": "abcde12"
  "client": {
    "clientID": "{1234-5678-9123}"
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

The resulting plan mostly extends the Request by the fields marked "Extension" below:

Extension Parameter Required Type Description
requestID string A unique id to identify the plan.
client client Contains information about the client, which sent this request.
meta meta Meta-information about what to consider in the optimization.
parameters parameters Parameters for the optimization.
tasks Array<Output Task> Array of output tasks.
workers Array<Output Worker> Array of available workers.
locationSites Array<LocationSite> Array of available location sites.
obstacles Array<Obstacle> DEPRECATED
statistics statistics Some statistics about the plan.
info info Some textual information about the plan.
backendVersion Backend Version Used validation/ calculation version.

Error Result


  "requestID": "id32013",
  "error_msg": " |-| ERROR: Task #12 has itself assigned as preceding task. (129) |-| contact email:",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "type": "error",
  "errorID": 129,
  "taskID": 12,
  "backendVersion": {
    "schema": "v0.49.9",
    "version": "v2.25.12",
    "rev": "abcde12"
  "additionalErrors": [
      "errorID": 129,
      "error_msg": " |-| ERROR: Task #13 has itself assigned as preceding task. (129) |-| contact email:",
      "taskID": 13
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

If your request contains errors which leads to unsatisfiable plans, you will receive a error response instead of a plan.

Parameter Required Type Description
requestID string A unique id to identify the plan request.
error_msg string Contains a textual description of the error.
version string Currently always set to "1.0.0".
type string Currently always set to "error".
errorID integer A unique ID for identifying the error cause.
taskID integer If the error occurred by a specific task, its ID will be referenced.
taskExternalID v3.18.0 string The externalID corresponding to the taskID (if set).
workerID integer If the error occurred by a specific worker, their ID will be referenced.
workerExternalID v3.18.0 string The externalID corresponding to the workerID (if set).
backendVersion Backend Version Used validation/ calculation version.
additionalErrors v3.16.0 Array<Object> During validation, errors do not necessarily terminate the program instantly. Instead they are collected and output in this list (the first validation error being output in the "main section" of the error result, each following in additionalErrors). This is handy if there are multiple invalid tasks/workers/..., as all of these issues get caught during validation and output here. However, later entries in the additionalErrors list may be less reliable, since they could be based on an earlier failed validation and not be a problem with the input data (e.g. duplicated taskIDs might lead to issues with precedingTasks).

The objects in additionalErrors contain the following fields:

Parameter Required Type Description
error_msg string All fields exactly like in the "main" description above.
errorID integer
taskID integer
taskExternalID v3.18.0 string
workerID integer
workerExternalID v3.18.0 string

The error_msg gets translated based on language settings.

Type of error errorID range
Internal errors (bugs). Please contact us so that we can fix the issue.
  • 0 - 109
  • 250 - 899
  • 950 - 999
  • 1000 - 1099v3.8.21
  • 1600 - 1999v3.8.21
Input object is missing required data or the given data is invalid for a required element.
  • 110 - 119
  • 900 - 949
  • 1100 - 1199v3.8.21
Input data fails validation (basic correctness or plausibility). Please check the error_msg for details!
  • 120 - 249
  • 1200 - 1599v3.8.21


A list of errorID values and explanations can be found here.

Backend Version


  "schema": "v0.0.0"
  "schema": "v0.0.0",
  "version": "v0.0.0",
  "rev": "abde12"
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Type Required Description
schema version The json schema version used for validating input and output.
version version The backend version used for calculating the result.
rev string An internal key for the backed version used for calculating the result.

Output Task


  ... // see Input Task
  "info": "text"
  ... // see Input Task
  "timeScheduled": "12:10",
  "travelTime": 3,
  "travelDistance": 1.1,
  "assignedWorker": 1,
  "info": "text",
  "profit": -1.2,
  "finalassignedOrder": 4
  ... // see Input Task
  "timeScheduled": "12:10",
  "travelTime": 3,
  "travelDistance": 1.1,
  "assignedWorker": 1,
  "assignedShiftID": 2,
  "info": "text",
  "profit": -1.2,
  "performResetBeforeAtID": 3,
  "rotated": true,
  "finalassignedOrder": 4,
  "travelTimeToReset": 10,
  "travelDistanceToReset": 1.1
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema (unassigned)
JSON-Schema (assigned)
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema (unassigned)
JSON-Schema (assigned)
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema (unassigned)
JSON-Schema (assigned)

The json schema for the Output Task extends the schema of the Input Task by all the fields marked "Extension" in the table below. If allowUnassignedTasks was set to true, an "unassigned version" of the output task can be returned which is missing all assignment data.

Extension Parameter Required if assigned Required if unassigned Type Description
All fields unchanged from Input-Task.
timeScheduled Time The planned time to start this task by the assigned worker.
travelTime integer The time in minutes needed to travel from the previous task to this task. If a reset is performed (performResetBeforeAtID is set), this includes the travel to a capacity reset location as well as the reset duration (capacityResetDuration). Travel modifiers like minTravelTime and travelTimeExtra are also considered.
travelDistance number The distance in km needed to travel from the previous task to this task. The same rules as travelTime apply.
assignedWorker integer The ID (workerID) of the assigned worker who will perform this task.
assignedShiftID integer The shiftID to which the task is assigned to.
finalassignedOrder integer The order number within the assigned tour starting with number 1.
info string Additional information about the task.
profit number The profit the task creates ($revenue - costs$).
performResetBeforeAtID integer The id of the location site which will be visited to reset capacity/weight/volume before this task starts.
travelTimeToReset v3.10.0 integer If a capacity reset is performed right before this task (performResetBeforeAtID is set), this value contains the travel time to the reset location. Subtracting this value and capacityResetDuration from travelTime nets the travel time from the reset location to this task.
travelDistanceToReset v3.10.0 integer If a capacity reset is performed right before this task (performResetBeforeAtID is set), this value contains the travel distance to the reset location. Subtracting this value from travelDistance nets the travel distance from the reset location to this task.
rotated v3.9.0 boolean If true, the rotation described in rotatable has occurred, meaning the task starts at its finishLocation and ends at its location. The field is only included if rotatable is set to true.


Output Worker


  ... // See Input Worker
  "travelHomeTime": 2,
  "travelHomeDistance": 1.123,
  ... // See Input Worker
  "travelHomeTime": 2,
  "travelHomeDistance": 1.123,
  "breakStartEarliest": "10:00",
  "breakEndLatest": "11:00",
  "breakDuration": 30,
  "breakScheduled": "12:10"
  ... // See Input Worker
  "travelHomeTime": 2,
  "travelHomeDistance": 1.123,
  "info": "text",
  "breakScheduled": "12:10"
  ... // See Input Worker
  "travelHomeTime": 12,
  "travelHomeDistance": 1.123,
  "info": "text",
  "breakScheduled": "12:10",
  "performFinalResetAtID": 1,
  "travelTimeToFinalReset": 10,
  "travelDistanceToFinalReset": 1.1,
  "tourStart": "12:10",
  "tourEnd": "12:30",
  "totalTravelTime": 10,
  "totalTravelDistance": 11.123,
  "totalTaskTime": 100
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

The json schema for the Output Worker extends the schema of the Input Worker by all the fields marked "Extension" in the table below:

Extension Parameter Required Type Description
All fields unchanged from Input-Worker.
breakStartEarliest Time If integrateGermanBreakDurations is set to true and an automatic break is added, this value get filled in.
breakEndLatest Time If integrateGermanBreakDurations is set to true and an automatic break is added, this value get filled in.
breakDuration integer If integrateGermanBreakDurations is set to true and an automatic break is added, this value get filled in with the duration of the added break.
breakScheduled Time The time a break was scheduled on this worker.
info string Some textual information about the worker, e.g. for delays.
travelHomeTime integer Time in minutes needed to get to the end location from the last task. The same rules as for the Output-Task's travelTime apply.
travelHomeDistance number Distance in km between last task and the end location. The same rules as for the Output-Task's travelDistance apply.
performFinalResetAtID integer The id of the LocationSite at which a capacity reset was performed after the last task and before returning to a depot.
travelTimeToFinalReset v3.10.0 integer If the worker performs a reset right before the end of their tour (performFinalResetAtID is set), this value contains the travel time to the reset location. Subtracting this value and capacityResetDuration from travelHomeTime nets the travel time from the reset location to the endLocation.
travelDistanceToFinalReset v3.10.0 number If the worker performs a reset right before the end of their tour (performFinalResetAtID is set), this value contains the travel distance to the reset location. Subtracting this value from travelHomeDistance nets the travel distance from the reset location to the endLocation.
tourStart v3.10.0 Time The actual time this worker starts their tour. The value is set only if the worker has a task assigned. If the worker has a task assigned and tourStartsOnShiftStart is set to true, it will always be equal to shiftStart.
tourEnd v3.10.0 Time The actual time this worker ends their tour, including travel to its endLocation and any capacity resets.
totalTravelTime v3.11.0 integer The sum of all travel times of this worker. Does not include reset durations, neither from reset between tasks nor the final reset, travel to and from reset locations however is included.
totalTravelDistance v3.11.0 number The sum of all travel distances of this worker
totalTaskTime v3.11.0 integer The sum of all task durations on this worker. Does not include breaks or capacity reset duration.



  "configuration": [
      "label": "Short Path",
      "value": 0.777778
  "workload": [
      "workerID": 1,
      "values": [
  "travelTimes": [
      "workerID": 1,
      "time": 51
  "travelDistances": [
      "workerID": 1,
      "distance": 32.1
  "taskTimes": [
      "workerID": 1,
      "time": 145
  "taskBusyness": [
      "workerID": 1,
      "busyness": 0.3
  "travelBusyness": [
      "workerID": 1,
      "busyness": 0.4
  "workTimeDistribution": [
      "type": "Working Time",
      "time": 716
  "preferredWorkers": [
      "type": "matched",
      "count": 12
      "type": "unmatched",
      "count": 7
  "preferredGender": [
      "type": "matched",
      "count": 3
      "type": "unmatched",
      "count": 4
  "desiredWorkers": [
      "type": "matched",
      "count": 9
      "type": "unmatched",
      "count": 13
  "vehicleTypeDistances": [
      "vehicleType": 0,
      "distance": 9.123
      "vehicleType": 3,
      "distance": 4.2
  "impact": [
      "label": "Anticategories",
      "value": 0.123
  "unassignedTaskIDs": [1,2,3],
  "unassignableTaskIDs": [1,2,3],
  "timeWindowViolationTaskIDs": [1,2,3],
  "routeLength": 146.841095,
  "onTime": 96,
  "planProfitability": 150.12,
  "history": {
    "tasks": [
        "taskID": 1,
        "preassignedWorker": 1,
        "timeEarliest": "12:00",
        "timeLatest": "12:00",
        "preferenceWeights": [
            "workerID": 1,
            "value": 0.123
        "genderWeights": [
            "gender": 1,
            "value": 0.123
        "prefGender": 1,
        "desiredGroup": 1,
        "timePriority": 1,
        "initassignedWorker": 1,
        "weakPredecessorTasks": [
        "taskGaps": [
            "taskID": 1,
            "minGap": 1,
            "maxGap": 1
            "taskID": 1,
            "minGap": -1,
            "maxGap": -1
    "workers": [
        "workerID": 1,
        "hasShortHistory": true
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

The statistics provide some general data for evaluating the result. v3.15.1 They are based on the adjusted data that the optimization is performed on. Differences to the tasks'/workers' input data are noted in their respective info fields.

Parameter Type Required Description
configuration Array<Object<label: string, value: number>> The applied optimizer configurations mapped in ranges from $0.0$ to $1.0$.
workload Array<Object<workerID: integer, values: Array<number>>> The workload per worker for each hour of the day in ranges from $0.0$ to $1.0$ (worked 0 min to worked 60 min).
travelTimes Array<Object<workerID: integer, time: integer>> The total time in minutes each worker spends traveling. Capacity reset durations (but not the drive to and from a reset location) are excluded.
travelDistances Array<Object<workerID: integer, distance: number>> The distance in km each worker drives for this plan.
taskTimes Array<Object<workerID: integer, time: integer>> The time in minutes each worker spends on working on tasks (sum of durations).
taskBusyness Array<Object<workerID: integer, busyness: number>> Proportion of working time to shift time.
travelBusyness Array<Object<workerID: integer, busyness: number>> Proportion of travel time to shift time. Capacity reset durations (but not the drive to and from a reset location) are excluded.
workTimeDistribution Array<Object<type: string, time: integer>> The time in minutes spent on different actions summed up. Capacity resets are counted towards travel time.
preferredWorkers Array<Object<type: string, count: integer>> Sum of fulfilled (type: matched) as well as unfulfilled (type: unmatched) worker preferences.
preferredGender Array<Object<type: string, count: integer>> Sum of fulfilled (type: matched) as well as unfulfilled (type: unmatched) gender preferences.
desiredWorkers Array<Object<type: string, count: integer>> Sum of tasks assigned to desired workers (type: matched) and sum of tasks assigned to another worker (type: unmatched).
vehicleTypeDistances Array<Object<vehicleType: VehicleType, distance: number>> A number based summary of total distance for each VehicleType.
impact Array<Object<label: string, value: number>> Contains all restriction types and gives a percentage (0.0-1.0) evaluation of each restriction's final influence on the algorithmic optimization and plan result. This can be used to detect logical problems in the input data, i.e. too restrictive time windows, large travel times or a large amount of worker preferences that just cannot be fulfilled. However, please note that if a restriction is listed in impact with a value greater zero, it does not mean that there even is a way to erase its impact. For instance, travel values will always be featured unless the total amount of travel time is zero or the shortPaths option is set to zero. You can find all possible labels here.
unassignedTaskIDs Array<integer> taskIDs of all tasks that were not assigned during optimization.
unassignableTaskIDs Array<integer> taskIDs of all tasks that were not assigned during optimization because there is no assignment possible (meaning they would fail input validation if unassigned tasks were not allowed).
timeWindowViolationTaskIDs Array<integer> taskIDs of all tasks are not assigned within their given time window.
routeLength number The driven distance in km summed up over all workers.
onTime integer Percentage for tasks scheduled perfectly inside the desired time windows ($0$ to $100$).
planProfitability number The profitability this plan archives based on worker costs and task revenues.
history v3.16.0 Object Data analyzed from history.

The history entry contains the data from the history analysis:

Parameter Type Required Description
workers Array<Object> History analysis results for workers.
tasks Array<Object> Historical analysis results for tasks.

Entries in workers have the following fields:

Parameter Type Required Description
workerID integer ID to connect the worker to a worker in the workers array of the request.
hasShortHistory boolean Is true if the worker "is new", meaning all their history data is very recent.

Entries in tasks have the following fields:

Parameter Type Required Description
taskID integer ID to connect the task to a task in the tasks array of the request.
preassignedWorker integer The worker this task was preassigned to.
timeEarliest Time The historical timeEarliest.
timeLatest Time The historical timeLatest.
preferenceWeights Array<Object<workerID: integer, value: number>> For each relevant worker, the preference of this task towards the worker. Higher number means higher preference.
genderWeights Array<Object<gender: GenderType, value: number>> For each relevant GenderType, the preference of this task towards is gender. Higher number means higher preference.
prefGender GenderType The historical prefGender.
desiredGroup integer Task of the same desiredGroup should be assigned to the same worker (similar to group but as a non-strict parameter).
timePriority integer The historical timePriority.
initassignedWorker integer The historical initassignedWorker.
weakPredecessorTasks v3.20.0 Array<integer> A historical predecessor to this task.
taskGaps Array<Object<taskID: integer, minGap: signed integer, maxGap: signed integer>> Tasks listed here should be assigned from the task with a difference between their timeScheduled of at least minGap and at most maxGap. Negative values are allowed for both minGap and maxGap.


German label English label
Kurze Wege Short Path
Arbeiterpräferenzen Worker Preferences
Faire Verteilung Fair Distribution
Clustering Clustering
Pünktlichkeit Timeliness
Weniger Arbeiter Worker Reduction
Reisezeit Travel Time
Arbeitszeit Working Time
Geschlechterpräferenzen Gender Preferences
Profitabilität Profitability
German type English type
Arbeitszeit Working Time
Pausenzeit Break Time
Fahrzeit Travel Time
Schichtzeit Shift Time
Puffer Buffer



  "text": "Alle Aufgaben wurden valide den Mitarbeitern zugewiesen!",
  "balance": "4 Mitarbeiter sind eingeplant\n6,2 Aufgaben durchschnittlich (pro Mitarbeiter)\n1,2 Aufgaben Abweichung von der durchschnittlichen Aufgabenzahl (pro Mitarbeiter)\nAufgaben- und Reisezeiten in Summe: 886 Minuten\nSchichtzeiten in Summe: 1860 Minuten\nAuslastung (netto): 47,6%",
  "dist": "146,8 km auf der Straße",
  "pref": "12 Aufträge werden von einem gewünschten Mitarbeiter durchgeführt, bei 7 Aufträgen war dies leider nicht sinnvoll oder möglich",
  "relax": "Aufträge:\n\nPrognostizierte kurze Verspätungen [5-30 Minuten] (4%):\n200, \n\nPrognostizierte Verspätungen [über 30 Minuten] (0%):\n\n\nDie anderen 24 Aufgaben (96%) werden pünktlich erreicht!\n\nSchichten:\nAlle Mitarbeiterschichten können eingehalten werden.",
  "time": "170 Minuten auf der Straße\n42,5 Minuten auf der Straße durchschnittlich (pro Mitarbeiter)\n9,0 Minuten Reisezeitvarianz (pro Mitarbeiter)",
  "feasible": false,
  "constructionSites": [
      "constructionSiteID": 666,
      "startDate": "2020-07-23",
      "endDate": "2020-07-25",
      "startPoint": {
        "lat": 48.17083,
        "lng": 11.3292
      "endPoint": {
        "lat": 48.16774,
        "lng": 11.33253
      "info": "Waldstraße gesperrt 2020"
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

The info texts provide some textual context to the solution. v3.15.1 They are based on the adjusted data that the optimization is performed on. Differences to the tasks'/workers' input data are noted in their respective info fields.

Parameter Required Type Description
text string Some general information about the plan. Contains warnings for some strict restrictions.
balance string Statistics about the workload of the workers and the distribution of tasks among them.
dist string Distance in km driven by the workers.
pref string Information about preferred workers matches.
relax string Information about delayed tasks grouped by delay amount: 5-30 minutes, 30+ minutes and information about exceeded worker shifts.
time string Total and average travel time.
feasible boolean Set to false if any strict restrictions (changed to this behavior in v3.15.1) are violated in the solution.
constructionSites Array<Construction Site> A list of construction sites in close proximity to the calculated routes.


Construction Site


  "constructionSiteID": 666,
  "startDate": "2020-07-23",
  "endDate": "2020-07-25",
  "startPoint": {
    "lat": 48.17083,
    "lng": 11.3292
  "endPoint": {
    "lat": 48.16774,
    "lng": 11.33253
  "info": "Waldstraße gesperrt 2020"
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

A construction site gets represented by a straight line between its startPoint and endPoint. These can be identical for small scale obstructions.

Parameter Required Type Description
constructionSiteID integer The ID of this construction site. IDs are unique among all construction sites.
startPoint GeoCord Start point of the construction site.
endPoint GeoCoord End point of the construction site.
startDate string (date) The first day of construction work at this site.
endDate string (date) The last day of construction work at this site.
info string Miscellaneous information.

Additional Validation

Every request must adhere to the defined schemas or it cannot be processed. However, even if it does, there might still be issues with the contained data. For that reason, a content validation is performed after accepting the request, the details of which are listed below.

There are multiple times a validation is performed on the input data. If an issue is found, the corresponding error message will tell you exactly at which step the validation failed:

If allowUnassignedTasks is set to true, the first of these validations is allowed to fail some validations (the list below will tell you which). In this case the task is simply removed from calculation. You can determine these unassignable tasks from their info section in the output or the array unassignableTasks in statistics.

List of all content requirements

errorID allowed to fail Requirement
121 taskID must be unique among all tasks.
123 Task time windows must be large enough that duration fits inside.
124 Task sets which have to be assigned to the same worker must have a worker that is not forbidden for any of them via any strict restriction.
126 For certain task chains which have a fixed order (e.g. predecessorTasks chains), if one task in the chain is assigned to a dontVary- or dontAlter-Worker, all of them must be.
127 Task time windows must be large enough that minTaskDuration fits inside (if set).
1200 The sum of all task capacities must not exceed the sum of all worker capacities. Workers with allowed capacity reset count as having unlimited capacity unless they have maxResets set.
1201 The sum of all task weights must not exceed the sum of all worker weight limits. Workers with allowed capacity reset count as having unlimited weight limit unless they have maxResets set.
1202 The sum of all task volumes must not exceed the sum of all worker volume limits. Workers with allowed capacity reset count as having unlimited volume limit unless they have maxResets set.
1203 A worker with the workerID of each task's initassignedWorker must exist (if set).
1204 If an initassignedOrder is set, initassignedWorker must be set as well.
1205 Tasks must have a worker that is not forbidden via any strict restriction. Exempt are tasks with an assignment to a dontVary-Worker.
1206 Tasks must not have themselves as one of their precedingTasks.
1207 For each entry in precedingTasks, a task with that taskID must exist.
1208 Tasks must not have themselves as one of their predecessorTasks.
1209 capacityInitial must not be higher than capacity.
1210 weightInitial must not be higher than weight.
1211 volumeInitial must not be higher than volume.
1212 If capacityResetDuration is set, at least one capacityResetLocationSiteIDs must also be set.
1213 shiftEnd must not be before shiftStart.
1214 If breakEndLatest or breakDuration are set, breakStartEarliest must be set.
1215 If breakStartEarliest or breakDuration are set, breakEndLatest must be set.
1216 If breakStartEarliest or breakEndLatest are set, breakDuration must be set.
1217 The time between breakStartEarliest and breakEndLatest must be large enough to fit breakDuration.
1218 breakEndLatest must not be earlier than breakStartEarliest.
1219 breakStartEarliest must not be earlier than shiftStart, breakEndLatest must not be later than shiftEnd.
1220 Shifts of workers with the same workerID must not overlap.
1221 (Worker) Only one of startLocation and startLocationSiteID can be set.
1222 (Worker) Only one of endLocation and endLocationSiteID can be set.
1223 (Worker) A LocationSite with the locationSiteID equal to startLocationSiteID must exist (if set).
1224 (Worker) A LocationSite with the locationSiteID equal to endLocationSiteID must exist (if set).
1225 (Worker) For each entry in capacityResetLocationSiteIDs, a corresponding LocationSite with its locationSiteID equal to the entry must exist.
1226 (Task) Only one of location and locationSiteID can be set.
1227 (Task) A LocationSite with its locationSiteID equal to the task's locationSiteID must exist (if set).
1230 Multishift-Workers with dontVary or dontAlter set to true must have a shiftID.
1231 There must be at least as much positive capacity as negative.
1232 There must be at least as much positive weight as negative.
1233 There must be at least as much positive volume as negative.
1234 It is not allowed for multiple task to have exactly one entry in predecessorTasks and have it be the same value.
1235 A task with set preassignedWorker and set initassignedWorker where one of the workers has dontVary or dontAlter set to true, must have preassignedWorker and initassignedWorker set in a way that they unambiguously refer to the same worker.
1236 A task assigned to a dontVary- or dontAlter-Worker via preassignedWorker or initassignedWorker must have an initassignedOrder.
1237 All tasks assigned to the same dontVary- or dontAlter-Worker via preassignedWorker or initassignedWorker must have a different initassignedOrder.
1238 For Multishift-Workers, shiftStart must not be equal to shiftEnd.
1239 Certain task chains which have a fixed order (e.g. predecessorTasks chains) and that are assigned to a dontVary- or dontAlter-Worker must have their chain order reflected in their initassignedOrder.
1240 If forbTimeEarliest is set, forbTimeLatest must be set. If forbTimeLatest is set, forbTimeEarliest must be set.
1241 forbTimeLatest must not be earlier than forbTimeEarliest.
1242 forbTimeEarliest and forbTimeLatest must be contained within the task's time window.
1243 The task must fit into its time window before and after the forbidden time window.
1244 Only one of dontVary and dontAlter can be set to true.
1245 Dense travelOverride must not have less entries than required for the given amount of LocationSites.
1246 shiftID must be unique for all workers with the same workerID.
1247 Tasks with preassignedWorker or initassignedWorker where at least one of the workers with that workerID has dontVary or dontAlter set to true, must have an initassignedShiftID.
1248 removed in v3.20.8 If timeliness is not set to zero, tasks with preassignedWorker and aninitassignedShiftID with the worker being a multishift-worker must have their task time window overlap with the worker's shift.
1249 (Worker) shiftStart, shiftEnd, breakStartEarliest and breakEndLatest must not be earlier than dateFrom at 00:00, shiftDate must not be later than dateTo. (Task) timeEarliest, timeLatest, forbTimeEarliest, forbTimeLatest must not be earlier than dateFrom at 00:00, date must not be later than dateTo.
1250 (Task) Only one of finishLocation and finishLocationSiteID can be set.
1251 (Task) A LocationSite with its locationSiteID equal to the task's finishLocationSiteID must exist (if set).
1252 (Task) If a finishLocationSite or finishLocationSiteID is set, a location or locationSiteID must also be set.
1253 (Task) finishLocation/ finishLocationSiteID and location/ locationSiteID must not be equal or refer the the same coordinate.
1254 If rotatable is set to true, one of finishLocation or finishLocationSiteID and one of location or locationSiteID must be set.
1256 v3.13.0 Tasks with preassignedOrder must have a preassignedWorker
1257 v3.13.0 Tasks with preassignedOrder which are preassigned to a multishift-worker must have an unambiguous assignment via initassignedShiftID
1258 v3.13.0 Tasks with preassignedOrder must not be part of another static task chain, e.g. via predecessorTasks.
1259 v3.13.0 Tasks assigned to the same worker must have different (or no) preassignedOrder.
1260 v3.18.1 If a task has a single entry in predecessorTasks, another task with that ID must exist.
1503 workerIDs of history workers must not be used in workers of the workers array.
1504 workerIDs of history workers must be unique among all history workers.
1505 taskIDs of history tasks must be unique among all history tasks.
1506 All workers referenced in history tasks must exist either in the workers array or among the history workers.
1507 History assignments of the same task must be on different dates.
1508 No history data must be equal or later than dateFrom.


The following examples shall provide a starting point to build from when using the API for the first time. If you'd like to see one added, please contact us.

Posting/ Retrieving a plan

The example to the right provides a simple javascript template to post/get a request/response. Authentication details can be found here.

const fetch = require('cross-fetch');
const AmazonCognitoIdentity = require('amazon-cognito-identity-js');

// authentication
const userPool = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUserPool({
  UserPoolId: "[myUserPoolId]", // see authentication page
  ClientId: "[myClientId]" // see authentication page

const authenticationDetails = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.AuthenticationDetails({
  Username: "[myUserName]", // see login details of your adiutaByte account
  Password: "[myPassword]"

const cognitoUser = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUser({
  Username: "[myUserName]", // see login details of your adiutaByte account
  Pool: userPool

const token = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
  onSuccess: function (result) {
    const thisToken = result.getIdToken().getJwtToken();
  onFailure: function (err) {

// posting a request
const headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': token

const request = {
  meta: {
    dateFrom: "2019-12-03",
    dateTo: "2019-12-03"
  parameters: {},
  tasks: [
      date: "2019-12-03",
      duration: 65,
      taskID: 200,
      timeEarliest: "10:00",
      timeLatest: "12:00"
  workers: [
      workerID: 1,
      shiftStart: "03:00",
      shiftEnd: "12:00",
      shiftDate: "2019-12-03"

const postOptions = {
  method: 'post',
  headers: new Headers(headers),
  body: JSON.stringify(request)

const postURL = `https://[env]`; // see endpoint section

const ID = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => fetch(postURL, postOptions)
  .then(async res => {
    if (res.ok) {
      const data = await res.json();
      console.log("Successfully posted request! ID:", data);
    else {
      console.error("Error while posting request:", res.status);

// get solution
let status = 423;
while (status === 423) {

  const getURL = `https://[env]${ID}`; // see endpoint section

  const getOptions = {
    method: 'get',
    headers: new Headers(headers)

  const solution = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => fetch(getURL, getOptions)
    .then(async res => {
      status = res.status;

  if (status === 200) {
    const solutionText = await solution.text();
    console.log("Solution:", JSON.parse(solutionText));
  else if (status !== 423) {
    console.error("Error while getting solution:", status);

  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));

Common plan for VRP/VRPTW

The following is an example of a common plan, solving a basic VRP with time windows. To include dynamic travel calculations, the option postProcessing should almost always be set to true.

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

Multiple shifts for workers

The field workerID does not need to be unique, for when a worker has multiple working times in the same plan. The following json provides an example how this can look.

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

Using LocationSites instead of coordinates

LocationSites can be used to abbreviate coordinates, in some use cases they are actually required (capacityResetLocationSiteIDs, travelOverride). The file shows a way to use LocationSites instead of coordinates.

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

Single Tour Optimization

A special use case of the MixedPlanner is optimizing single tours, without switching tasks between them. This can be useful for re-optimizing slightly changed tours or tours determined by a used that only need to be "reshuffled" to an optimal order. The key entry here is the preassignedWorker as it allows, if every task has one set, to keep the tours strictly separate.

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

Locked Workers

If only a subset and tasks and workers shall be optimized, it usually suffices to not include theses in your request. However, if those already calculated workers shall be included in info/statistics, there is a way to "lock" these workers for the algorithm (a common use case is re-optimizing a subsection of workers/tasks from a previous request - either to improve the solution or because changes have been made). There are two modes to do so, depending on whether or not it is allowed for locked workers to receive additional tasks:

If the locked workers shall not receive additional tasks, it needs to have the flag dontVary set to true. Any task that is already assigned to this worker needs to have its workerID as either initassignedID or preassignedID. In case there are multiple workers with the ID, the field initassignedShift also needs to be set accordingly. Additionally it needs to be set at which position in the worker's tour the task should be positioned (initassignedOrder). The request then looks like this:

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

If the locked worker is allowed to receive additional tasks but all already assigned tasks are not allowed to be moved off the worker or change order, the flag dontAlter needs to be set to true instead of dontVary. All other requirements stay the same, it should look something like this:

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

Distance Matrix Usage/ Warehouse optimization

First available in version: v2.31.0.

For various use cases (e.g. warehouse optimization) it may be desired to use custom travel data. The can be achieved with travelOverride, where you can set custom distance matrices. This requires using LocationSites for all coordinates as the matrices use the locationSiteID to read the custom travel data. It is also probably a good idea to turn off postProcessing to disable traffic/ population/ other dynamic travel adjustments.

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

Areal Tasks

First available in version: v3.9.0.

Sometimes a task should not be represented by a single location but as a 2-dimensional line with a start and an end coordinate. Applications are for example street cleaning services where both ends of the street constitute begin/end location of the task. This can be modeled by setting the location, where the task completes, as finishLocation. If the task can be started at either end, the flag rotatable needs to be set to true.

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

Pickup and Delivery

PD Types of plans can be easily modeled with the task property precedingTasks. The delivery task needs to have the taskID of the pickup task set among its precedingTasks and it will be performed by the same worker after the pickup. The is usually combined with the pickup task having a duration of zero minutes. Multiple delivery tasks can draw from the same pickup, though this is not recommended if it can be avoided (the algorithm usually produces much better results with one pickup per delivery task).

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

If vehicles have a maximum number of pickups they can perform before delivering (a maximum vehicle capacity so to speak), the value capacity needs to be set to that value (resCapacity needs to be true as well). Each pickup task then should have a positive capacity value (loading) while deliveries should have a negative capacity value (unloading). This ensures that at no point the vehicle can have loaded more than the given maximum value.

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

Predefined tour start/ tour end

First available in version: v3.13.0.

If you want to predefine a tour start or end for a worker, you can use the preassignedOrder. Examples for use cases are: * A worker has to prepare before their tour, this preparation is represented by a task and should be done first, before anything else. * The plan is being recalculated but the worker has already done the first n tasks. The recalculation should not change any of those, only the later tasks. * After their tour, the worker has to drive their vehicle to a maintenance station and end their tour there.

production v1.7.0 Input-File
develop v1.7.0 Input-File
experimental v1.7.0 Input-File

Common data types



  "integer_u32": 12,
  "integer_s32": -12,
  "number_u32" : 7.184535,
  "number_s32" : -7.184535,
  "number_u64" : 7.184535,
  "number_s64" : -7.184535,
  "fraction"   : 0.2
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

The following ranges get used for values of type integer/ number:

ID Name Range
integer_u32 integer $0 \leq x \leq 2147483647$
integer_s32 integer $-2147483648 \leq x \leq 2147483647$
number_u32 number $0 \leq x \leq 3.4e+38$
number_s32 number $-3.4e+38 \leq x \leq 3.4e+38$
number_u64 number $0 \leq x \leq 1.7e+308$
number_s64 number $-1.7e+308 \leq x \leq 1.7e+308$
fraction number $0 \leq x \leq 1$

Please refer to the respective linked json schema to determine which type of integer/number gets used.



  "lat": 50.780241,
  "lng": 7.184535
production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
Parameter Type Required Domain Description
lat number $-90 \leq x \leq 90$ The latitude of the coordinate
lng number $-180 \leq x \leq 180$ The longitude of the coordinate



production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

A string consisting of three parts following the pattern "YYYY-MM-DD":



production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

A string of either format "hh:mm" or "-hh:mm":

All times are interpreted in 24-hour notation and relative to midnight ("00:00") of a certain defined date. Those dates are:

This means that the following times applied to the respective date (in Date format) are equivalent:

Input data containing only identical dates and no time of format "-hh:mm" will not result in output data containing times of format "-hh:mm".


production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

An integer in the range $0 \leq x \leq 4$.

VehicleTypeID Description
0 Car
1 Bicycle
2 Pedestrian
3 Truck
4 Public Transport Approximation


production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

An integer in the range $0 \leq x \leq 3$.

GenderTypeID Description
0 Not provided
1 Male
2 Female
3 Other


production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

An integer in the range $0 \leq x \leq 1$.

LanguageTypeID Description
0 German
1 English


Introduced in: v3.4.0

production v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
develop v1.7.0 JSON-Schema
experimental v1.7.0 JSON-Schema

An integer in the range $0 \leq x \leq 6$.

value Description
0 Sunday
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday


Deployment Status

MixedPlanner Version API Schema Validation Version
production v3.20.17 v1.7.0
develop v3.20.17 v1.7.0
experimental v3.20.17 v1.7.0

Getting the deployed version

Introduced in: v3.10.0

Aside from checking this page, you can also get the deployed versions via a GET request.




  "version": "v3.9.15",
  "schema": "v0.78.0",
  "meta-data": "v15",
  "api-scripts": "v1.5.0"
Parameter Type Description
version version The backend version used for calculating results.
schema version The json schema version used for validating input and output.
meta_data version The meta data version used to determine client specific behavior.
api_scripts version The api script version.


Number Code Description
200 OK The version data will be delivered.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR An error occurred in the backend. Please contact us to check why this has happened.

Deprecation Warnings

The following features are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Requests using these features will still get accepted in plan requests but do not influence calculations in any way.

































